The Spaghett

First off, Spaghetts are made with Campari…..some people use Aperol and that’s wrong. If you use Aperol you are the worst. Grow up and get some Campari.

Traditionally a Spaghett is made with Miller High Life, but any light beer will do. In all honesty any beer will do. We encourage you to try something other than just crispy bois. We may be posting some of the beers that work on a blog here.

Step One

Open that crisp delicious High Life or your beer of choice. Spaghetts are best in bottles, but we know as well as you do they’re a dying breed. Cans are acceptable and you can even do draft. We do it all the time.

Step Two

Take a swig. As you try more Spaghetts you’ll find your own personal sweet spot. If you’re ordering on draft just make sure you request room for a shot of Campari or ask the bartender to pour the beer over the shot in the bottom of the glass.

Step Three

Fill that bottle back up with the amazingness that is Campari. Again, some people might like a lot, some people might only like a little. Find your sweet spot and roll with it. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do…unless it’s us, because we’re the Spaghett experts.

Some people add lemon…this is an unnecessary step. If you insist, I guess you do you, but you’re soft.